Just a ticking machine…

Have you ever wonder the amount of influence time has in our lives? It is basically what controls the main part of the things we do. At what time we meet someone, at what time we go to sleep, wake up, turn something in, eat, etc. But what for? Imagine all the things we don’t do because of the time it is? We don’t even consider if we are tired, or up to it, if it’s late, we just wont do it. It shouldn’t be that way. We should do the things we want to do whenever we feel like it, and time is just an obstacle. It’s not even real. It’s a man-made creation to keep control. From know on you should just o things because you feel like it, no because of what the small plastic band in your wrist is telling you. Don’t wear your internal clock fore once, and see how things go. Live the moment.


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New Decade

If you constantly have positive thoughts and ideas, your life will be better. You bring the good things upon yourself. It’s all about the mind. It is more powerful than what we realize, and not as easy to control as we like to think. Even though it seems we control every thing we say, touch, move, etc. our mind is always ahead of us. Think about it. Do you tell your mind to “turn the light bulb” every time you want light, or does your hand move without your warning? Do you think about every step you take? Every thing you do? Every thing you say? I don’t know about you, but I know that I have done many things, and said many things I didn’t think through. My mind got ahead of me. I couldn’t choose. Some things have turned out right, but others are desasters.

The point is, if our mind is making all this choices for us, then would the choices be better if all we send out to our mind would be positive? It would only get good ideas, positive ideas, so most likely the actions would be harmless, therefore our life would be better.  Being happy isn’t as hard as it seems. The only thing we have to do is tell it to our mind. Outsmart it for once. Be ahead of your own game.

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Wolfs & Robots

I’ve come to realize that life would be a whole lot easier If we wouldn’t need to depend on other people to satisfy our needs. Needless to say, relations with other people cause happiness as well as sadness, but in the long run, we need those things. What kind of place would the world be if all of us were to be lone wolfs? Would we be more satisfied with life without all the stress human relations cause? Or would we simply be robots who don’t feel a thing? If I may say so myself, I think my life would be better If my view on life was different, but who knows what that view is.

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Music Therapy

I was just reading an article on music theory, and it really caught my attention. I have always used music as a tool for solving my problems, or at least forgetting them, but I didn’t know it was a real career. Music doesn’t only work psychological, but physically as well. Research shows how it has improves heart conditions, as well as epilepsy. Some people might not believe it actually works, but think about it. There is nothing like feeling music. Not just listening to music, but music coming inside you, moving you, possessing you. Not many people can get this sensation, and if you can, you are one of the lucky ones. We don’t see the greatest things in life, we feel them, and there is nothing like feeling music. That’s why you close your eyes when you listen to a really great song, it just happens. You don’t control it. Music travels through your entire body. It floods your muscles and bones with rhythms and melodies, So why wouldn’t it cure you. There is nothing like music, like sound. No movie would be the same without music. It creates most of the emotion in a movie. We wouldn’t cry if a song wasn’t playing on the background, or feels scared, or inspired. We don’t even realize how much impact sound really as in our life, but it affects every part of our lives.


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Thousands of Perspectives

Each pair of eyes in the world looks at the same thing in a different, unique way. How can we know our perception of yellow is the same as the one of everyone in the world? We were trained that “that” was yellow, and that “this” was blue, but maybe our blue is someone elses yellow. From the way two friends tell a story they both experienced, or two brothers narrating their upbringing, non will ever be the same. In some ways, our perspective defines our personality. Think about it, according to the things we see, we formulate opinions, so if we were to look at things differently, our opinions would change.

If this is so, then how come so many personalities are the same? Could it be that there is some sort of filter changing peoples perspectives? Some sort of influential force, making it all the same, like a pair of glasses. Media, other people, you name it.

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Timber Timbre

Timber Timbre is a completely original band from Toronto, Canada. leaving out Julian Plenti…Is Skyscraper, it is the best thing I have heard in a while. Finlay something different and well executed. The mixture of styles in the album is amazing. Every song is a delight to the ear. The style varies from blues, folk, and pop. In some songs, like Lay down in the Tall Grass, all three styles are present. Worth every penny.

Timber Timbre

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It Can’t be…Hopefully Isn’t

Its funny how the things we tend to hate more about people close to us, usually are things we also do. We are frustrated by them, because even though deep down we know we do the same things, we are in some sort of denial, and hate it when our loved ones do them. It is like watching the things you hate most about yourself, parading all around you.

It is kind of a scary thought. I’m going to the extremes here, but does that mean we are just like the people we hate the most? Or is it to a certain extent? As I said before, I think it only applies with our relatives, and people close to us. But if it did apply to everyone, is that why we are a hateful race? loathing all around us, inside us, frustration, desperation…

Oh, to wonder…

Who are we?

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Living the Present, Avoiding the Future

Living in the present leads to a better life. One is less depressed and confused. Things are clearer and in the moment. You have less things to worry about. Living in the present is indeed better, but even though we try, we always get caught up in the past. We also get tangled in a web of thoughts about the future, and what we want to happen. Why not just live in the moment? Yeah I admit, its hard, but in the long run it is good for us. Be surprised, be amazed. Think about it, you actually start to enjoy more life. You do what you do because you wnat to, not because you have to. Have no limitations.

“You do what you love and fuck the rest”-Little Miss Sunshine.

Throw the Memories

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The Constant Battle Between the ID and the Super Ego

As Freud said, we all have an ID, an ego, and a super ego. The ID is the part of us that we aren’t aware of. One might say our rebel side, the subconscious part of ourselves. On the other hand, the super ego is the part of ourselves that want’s to do everything according to society. The one that is afraid of what other people might think, and wants to maintain a certain order. There are times when our ID is to strong a feeling, and the super ego can’t control it, so we spill out, but our super ego is there to try to pick up the pieces. They are in a constant fight, but the super ego is stronger, I think all of us can agree to that. Would the world be a better place without our super ego? or would it just be total chaos?

Running Wild

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Catching the Words

Sometimes I feel I shouldn’t say something, but I always end up saying it, and I always regret it. In the past few days I have tried to hold my feelings in as much as I could, but it is too hard. Recent events have made me wonder whether I’ll always have the opportunity to say the things I want to say. But what if the things I want to say will only end up hurting me, and other people. If I say what I want to say I will hurt myself, hurt others, and will loose friends. I have had many experiences in which I end up saying these things, and I always regret it, which is why it won’t happen again. I have to shield myself from things that will hurt me. I try to be honest, because I believe that if I am honest, people will take into account the things I say. If I am honest people can understand me better and maybe give me a chance, but what if it is just the opposite? At these moments it is hard to choose what to do. I have never been a good speaker. Even if I plan what I want to say, I screw thinks up. Things are too stressful the way they are, so why do I want to add more stress to my life? Should I simply keep my thoughts to myself , or should I simply let go?

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